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Take everyone to understand the safety of wire U-shaped glass
- 2019-08-07-

The safety of wire U-shaped glass is mainly understood
Glass is a fragile material, so it is also widely used in the construction industry. Why choose wire U-shaped glass?
The wire-shaped U-shaped glass is widely known as safe glass.
The safety of wire U-shaped glass includes two meanings: first, wire U-shaped glass will not be damaged under normal use conditions;
Second, if the wire U-shaped glass is damaged or accidentally damaged under normal operating conditions, it will not cause damage to the human body or reduce the damage to the human body. The safety of wire U-shaped glass is mainly reflected in its mechanical properties. Wired U-shaped glass needs to accept various loads during operation, such as wind load, dead weight load, daily temperature difference load, annual temperature difference load, earthquake load, etc. The glass roof, glass canopy and sloping roof windows should not only accept wind load, dead weight load, daily temperature difference load, annual temperature difference load and earthquake load, but also rain load and snow load. . Glass stairs and glass floors should receive dead weight and live load. Glass partitions, floor-to-ceiling windows, glass doors and glass railings should take into account the impact load of the human body. The underwater glass should bear the water load. The wire U-shaped glass should bear different loads of different building components, and the strength and rigidity of the glass should be calculated under the corresponding load. The glass curtain wall shall be calculated according to "Glass Curtain Wall Engineering Technical Specifications" JGJ 102, and shall meet its design requirements. If the rigidity and strength of the glass do not meet the requirements, this glass cannot be selected. Some building components also emphasize the need to use safety glass, namely wire U-shaped glass. When the wire U-shaped glass is damaged, the PVB film will stick the broken glass together, so it is not easy to hurt people. Therefore, these two glasses are called safety glass.
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