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What causes the tempered glass to explode?
- 2019-12-25-

Can tempered glass explode? Many people may feel unfamiliar, what is the self-explosion of tempered glass? The self-explosion of tempered glass refers to the automatic bursting of tempered glass without direct mechanical external force. What are the reasons for the self-explosion of tempered glass? There are many reasons for the self-explosive, simply summarize the following:

  1, stones, impurities, bubbles in the glass: impurities in the glass are the thin shortcomings of tempered glass, and also the place where stress gathers. Especially if the stone is in the tensile stress area of ​​the tempered glass, it is an important factor leading to cracking.

  2. The glass contains nickel sulfide crystals, and the tempered glass caused by the phase change volume change of nickel sulfide crystals explodes.

  3. The glass surface has defects such as scratches, frying holes, deep blasting edges, etc. due to the processing process or improper operation. It is easy to form stress concentration or cause the tempered glass to explode.

  4. Caused by uneven stress distribution, deviation or excessive stress in tempered glass. Generally speaking, the reason for the occurrence of self-explosion in the process of glass tempering is

Mostly   3, {{{{{2}}}}; after the glass leaves the factory, it will explode due to the state {{2}}, 2; after the glass installation is completed, it will often The situation {{2}} is typical. How to identify the self-explosion of tempered glass? The difference between the self-explosion of toughened glass and the impact crushing of toughened glass is mainly due to the difference of "initiation point". The starting point of tempered glass self-detonation is generally in the center of the glass. There are obvious fragments in the center of the initiation point in the form of butterflies, commonly known as "butterfly spots".

Temporary glass impact crushing is generally visible at the crushing point, and there are no butterfly spots. The broken glass spreads radioactively from the point of impact. The company is a comprehensive enterprise integrating glass research and development, manufacturing, sales, design and construction. It currently has an advanced technical service team, a mature market channel, and a good corporate reputation. With its integrity, strength, product quality and service, it stands out from the fiercely competitive market and develops steadily.

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