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Reasonable frosted glass installation partitions show grade
- 2019-04-24-

Appropriate installation of glass partitions highlights levels

The installation interval of frosted glass is widely used for many work and decoration of business premises. Now, glass partitions are also used throughout the home decoration. Since the space can be made brighter, the division of the functional area can be more suitable. So in the manufacture of many glass partitions, how can we save more without raising the level of decoration? Let the editor tell the owners today!

In the process of planning the installation of glass partitions, if it is possible to save money, it is definitely a good thing, but it should also be enough, and do not blindly save money in order to save money. This will likely lead to a decline in the quality of the decoration and affect the beauty, especially the treatment of the foundation and details, so we must take precautions. For example, the port settings of wires and circuits, the laying of network cables, etc., what needs to be done locally, must be planned in advance, so that the decoration can be better completed, to prevent regretful rework and damage to the wall.

To save money, you must have a special skill. Don't spoil the province. When the glass partition is installed, customers should show their wisdom from the details, and use high efficiency as the basic standard. Especially in the local accessories, lighting, labor costs, etc. in the later period, it can be saved, if you can not buy, you can not buy or buy less. After the funds are sufficient, consider supplementing the decoration. There is also a good overall plan for the materials, so as to avoid overuse of materials and spoilage of materials.

In general, in the planning and construction of the glass partition, after reasonable planning and planning, on the basis of not affecting the quality of the decoration, there is a 25% cost savings, which can be done. Then I want to remind everyone that when calculating the construction area, I can communicate with the project planner about the glass, reasonably install the glass interval to show the level, and then choose my favorite plan according to my style.

This article is collected and sorted by Hangzhou Xiangjie Glass. The concepts in this article do not represent the concepts of this site.

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