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Difference analysis of tempered glass
- 2019-06-05-

How to differentiate between tempered glass and general glass?
Glass is a common item in our days, and every household has it installed. At present, tempered glass is widely used in the market, but many friends do not understand the difference between tempered glass and general glass. So today, tempered glass will tell us how to differentiate tempered glass from general glass and tempered glass. Let's take a look.
How does tempered glass differ from tempered glass and general glass
1. See if there are 3 C certification marks on the glass. Tempered glass factories are all qualified and will print the 3 C logo on the processed glass. According to regulations, it is necessary to have the 3 C mark on the safety glass.
2. If there is no 3 C mark on the glass, compare the appearance of the glass and see the flatness of the glass. Because the tempered glass has been treated at a high temperature, there is a certain degree of unevenness.
3. The oblique sunlight contrast is also due to the treatment of the tempered equipment. The tempered glass has some rainbow spots (wind spots).
4. Tempered glass breaks into small particles, and generally float glass breaks into a large knife.
Fifth, use the sky outdoors or use the light reflection method of the window indoors: look at the sky or window light reflected by the glass, and slowly change the viewpoint of observation. If it is toughened glass, you may see a series of blue-gray regular, dark-centered, light-distance and obscure circles, or ellipses, or strips on the surface of the glass.
How much is tempered glass
Tempered glass is strengthened to form a compressive stress layer on the glass surface, and then improve the glass's ability to carry the load, enhance the glass's resistance to wind pressure, cold and heat, and impact. Tempered glass is safety glass and a kind of prestressed glass.
Toughened glass is several times stronger than ordinary glass when it is used, and can withstand changes in temperature difference of 200 ℃. Moreover, the use of safety increases its carrying capacity and improves the fragile nature. Even if the tempered glass is damaged, it has small fragments without acute angles, which reduces the damage to the human body. Especially for high-rise buildings, tempered glass provides a reliable guarantee for its safety. At present, tempered glass is mainly used in high-rise building doors and windows, glass curtain walls, indoor distance glass, lighting ceilings, visit elevator passages, furniture, glass guardrails, etc.
The price of tempered glass is different due to different standards. Tempered glass will give us a brief introduction for your reference.
We also know roughly how to trust tempered glass and general glass and tempered glass. Tempered glass has many advantages, such as high hardness and cold and heat resistance, but the quality of tempered glass on the market varies. We must identify the brand of tempered glass when we buy it to avoid problems in later use.

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