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U-shaped glass manufacturers take everyone to understand its design
- 2018-12-28-

U-shaped glass, also known as channel glass, is a new type of building profile glass. It has a history of production and use abroad for nearly 40 years abroad. Due to the U-shaped cross-section, it has higher mechanical strength than ordinary flat glass and has aspirational light transmission, better sound insulation, thermal insulation, saving many metal materials, and simple construction. It is suitable for The inner and outer walls, partitions, roofs and windows that were built.
And we often interpret U-shaped glass as a U-shaped glass. U-shaped glass is often used in our lives, but our understanding of it is also lacking some correct understanding; U-shaped glass According to the color, appearance and strength, it can be roughly divided into three types: the difference in color, there are colorless and colored; the difference in appearance is flat and embossed; the difference in strength is the wire mesh and the net Without wire mesh. In our country, the materials introducing U-shaped glass appeared in the late 70 years. Because glass manufacturers and related construction departments are very new to this kind of glass, this new type of construction glass has not been developed, let alone promoted and applied. With the continuous development of China's national economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, with the joint efforts of China's construction and decoration design departments, production departments and circulation fields, this new type of construction glass will be able to be promoted and applied in China To achieve rapid development.
There are several methods for producing U-shaped glass: calendering method, roll pressing method and casting method, but the commonly used method is calendering method. Therefore, U-shaped glass is more widely used in construction and industrial industries in China. How much do we know about the design of U-shaped glass? Next, share with us some ways about U-shaped glass design, let us followU-shaped glass manufacturersLet's find out:
Ways to design U-shaped glass:
  1 There are many treatment methods for the appearance of U-shaped glass, general fine grain texture, clear type, color, etc. In addition to the general fine grain texture, other types need to be marked during design.
  2, U-shaped glass is a non-combustible material, we can achieve a very good fire rating, if there are special requirements, design and mark according to relevant standards.
  3 For the installation method of U-shaped glass, please refer to the installation combination method. It is commonly used that the double-row wings are placed in pairs in the hollow at the seam, or the single-row wings are installed inward or outward.
  4. U-shaped glass used for external walls, the length of the device depends on the local wind load, the height of the glass from the ground, etc.

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