u-shaped glass manufacturers explain the technological operation process
- 2020-03-06-

U-shaped glass installation construction technology and technical plan

U-shaped glass manufacturers explain the on-site construction methods and technical measures of components. See Appendix I. "Outdoor Decoration of Building Atlas Design Atlas (I) 06 J505-1"

Process operation flow:

Construction preparation → Check and accept U-shaped glass → Stack U-shaped glass in layers → Device → Adjust and fix → Acceptance.

The basic operation stated:

Construction preparation: Make sufficient preparations before construction. Preparation work includes personnel preparation, data preparation, and construction site preparation. When arranging the plan, first arrange the personnel according to the practical situation and the project progress plan. Under normal conditions, each group arranges 4 ~ 5 people. When arranging, pay attention to the new and old collocation to ensure normal construction and bring new guidelines. The preparation of the materials and tools is to check whether the U-shaped glass on the construction work surface can be present, whether there is any presence or damaged glass. There are enough places in the construction section to meet the needs of the device. At the same time, the liquidation of the grid should be stopped and the grid should be adjusted to meet the requirements of the device.

Check and accept U-shaped glass:

The contents of the inspection are:

(1) Whether the number of specifications is correct;

(2) Is there any misaligned glass between the layers

(3) Is the glass stacking safe and secure;

(4) Can there be glass with errors exceeding the norm;

(5) Is there any damaged glass;

Accepted content includes:

(1) Whether the three-dimensional error is within the control range;

(2) If the glass aluminum frame is damaged, it should be replaced;

(3) Is there any abnormality in the sealant?

The inspection and acceptance shall make detailed records and be signed and confirmed by the personnel involved in the inspection and acceptance.

U-shaped glass is stacked according to the level specification: before installing the glass plate, the glass should be stacked and stacked in accordance with the level, and the quasi-layout should be stopped according to the order of the device. When stacked, it should be properly tilted to prevent the glass from overturning.

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