Analysis of the factors causing stress spots in the tempered glass
- 2018-09-25-

Other factors causing stress spots in tempered glass

0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 1. Observation angle

We can see the stress spot because the natural light in the visible light band is polarized when passing through the glass. When the light is reflected from the surface of the glass (transparent medium) at a certain angle, part of the light is polarized, and the same refraction through the glass Light is also partially polarized. When the tangent of the incident angle of the light is equal to the refractive index of the glass, the reflected polarization reaches a large value. The refractive index of the glass is 1. 5, and the large incident angle of reflected polarization is 5 6.

That is, the light reflected from the glass surface at an incident angle of 56 o is almost all polarized light. For tempered glass, the reflected light we see is reflected from two surfaces each with 4% reflectivity. The reflected light from the second surface farther away from us passes through the existing stress glass. The reflected light from the surface closer to us interferes on the glass surface to produce color speckles, so the incident angle is 56. The stress version is significant when investigating glass. For the same reason, the tempered insulating glass has more polarized light because it has more reflective surfaces. For the tempered glass with the same stress unevenness level, the stress spots we see are clearer and appear heavier.

  2. Glass thickness

Since light propagates in glass of different thicknesses, the greater the thickness, the longer the optical path, and the greater the chance of light polarization. For glass with the same stress level, the greater the thickness, the heavier the color of the stress spot.

0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 3. Glass varieties

Different glass types have different effects on the same stress level of glass. For example, the color of borosilicate glass will be lighter than that of soda lime glass.

forTempered glassDue to the particularity of its reinforcement principle, it is very difficult to completely eliminate stress spots. However, by using advanced equipment and rationally controlling the production process, it can reduce the occurrence of stress spots, and it can achieve the degree of not affecting the aesthetic effect.

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