Ultra-transparent U-shaped glass
Using waste glass to produce U-shaped glass
How can waste glass become a sustainable renewable resource? A new way out appears-as the main material to produce U-shaped glass!
U-shaped glassIt is also called trough-shaped glass. It gets its name because its cross-section is in the shape of "凵".
It is understood that during the 80 year of the last century, German Chancellor Kohl recommended U-shaped glass to Deng Xiaoping during his visit to China. Currently, there are only three U-shaped glass production lines in the world.
The main raw material of U-shaped glass 70% is waste glass. Using waste glass to produce U-shaped glass is a new way to solve the problem. Germany ’s industrial production has already achieved 98% of recycling, but China still has a long way to go.
This month 3, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the {{1}} 1 year announcement, announcing the "Advanced and Applicable Technology Catalog for Comprehensive Utilization of Renewable Resources (First Batch)." "Using waste glass to produce new U-shaped glass wall material technology" was listed in the catalog. After being accepted by the expert group, it is included in the comprehensive development of the industrial development market.